John Lewis: The Last Crossing,   2024. Oil bars and oil pastels. Preparation sketch for projected oil painting. 14” X 24”.

John Lewis: The Last Crossing, 2024. Oil bars and oil pastels.
Preparation sketch for projected oil painting. 14” X 24”.

   Imaginary Mural: Leda and the Swan,   2022. Gold leaf and oil pastels. 30” X 22.5”.

Imaginary Mural: Leda and the Swan, 2022.
Gold leaf and oil pastels. 30” X 22.5”.

   Mythological study,   1992/2022. Watercolor. 11” X 14”.

Mythological study, 1992/2022.
Watercolor. 11” X 14”.

   Composition study,   2022. Pastel. 11” X 14”.

Composition study, 2022.
Pastel. 11” X 14”.

 Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 24” X 18”.

Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 24” X 18”.

 Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 12” X 9”.

Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 12” X 9”.

   Santiago Market,   2020 Oil bars/oil pastels 19” X 26.5”

Santiago Market, 2020
Oil bars/oil pastels
19” X 26.5”

  Study for the right hand panel of  Goat Song (Canto de chivo) #7: November 25th: International Day to End Violence Against Women (Triptych), 2021.   Charcoal pencils on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Study for the right hand panel of Goat Song (Canto de chivo) #7: November 25th: International Day to End Violence Against Women (Triptych), 2021.
Charcoal pencils on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

   Shaman,   2021. Mixed media. 20” X 15”.

Shaman, 2021.
Mixed media. 20” X 15”.

   George Floyd I: A Man,     2020   Oil bars/oil pastels 23” X 17”

George Floyd I: A Man, 2020
Oil bars/oil pastels
23” X 17”

   Too Much Ain’t Enough,     2020 (For George Floyd) Oil bars/oil pastels 18.5” X 26.5”

Too Much Ain’t Enough, 2020
(For George Floyd)
Oil bars/oil pastels
18.5” X 26.5”

   Camp Wel-met Goats in the Snow,   2018. Acrylics on paper. 26.5” X 40”.

Camp Wel-met Goats in the Snow, 2018.
Acrylics on paper. 26.5” X 40”.

   Study for ‘30th of May, 1961, 10:10 PM’,      2019 Oil pastel. 18.5” X 26.5”

Study for ‘30th of May, 1961, 10:10 PM’, 2019
Oil pastel. 18.5” X 26.5”

 Human and Goat Skulls, 2018 Pastel. 11" X 14".

Human and Goat Skulls, 2018
Pastel. 11" X 14".

  Skull Study,  2018 Pastel, 11" X 14"

Skull Study, 2018
Pastel, 11" X 14"

   Familia carmavalesca (Carnival Family),     2017 Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

Familia carmavalesca (Carnival Family), 2017
Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

   Los amigos de María (Mary's Friends),     2017 Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

Los amigos de María (Mary's Friends), 2017
Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

   Two Vegigantes (Dos Vegigantes),   2013. Pencil and litho pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”. (Private collection.)

Two Vegigantes (Dos Vegigantes), 2013.
Pencil and litho pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.
(Private collection.)

   Blue Woman,   2013; Pastel. 22" X 18".

Blue Woman, 2013;
Pastel. 22" X 18".

 Women in green costumes, 2013. Color pencils. 9.25” X 8.5.

Women in green costumes, 2013.
Color pencils. 9.25” X 8.5.

 Carnival study, 2014. Mixed water media on paper. 10.25” X 7”.

Carnival study, 2014.
Mixed water media on paper. 10.25” X 7”.

 Carnival study, 2010. Mixed water media. 8” X 6 3/8”. (Private collection.)

Carnival study, 2010.
Mixed water media. 8” X 6 3/8”.
(Private collection.)

   Santiago Carnival,   1996. Gouache. x” X x”.

Santiago Carnival, 1996.
Gouache. x” X x”.

   Momento Mori,   2010.  Oil pastel. c. 9” X 12”.

Momento Mori, 2010.
Oil pastel. c. 9” X 12”.

   Connecticut interior,   1996. Watercolor. Approx.: 30” high. (Private collection.)

Connecticut interior, 1996.
Watercolor. Approx.: 30” high.
(Private collection.)

   The Yard at Clinton Corners,   2014. Oil pastels and oil bars on Arches paper.  23” X 30”. (Private collection.)

The Yard at Clinton Corners, 2014.
Oil pastels and oil bars on Arches paper.
23” X 30”. (Private collection.)

   Eustace Tilley,   2013. Pencil. 7.25” X 8.5”.

Eustace Tilley, 2013.
Pencil. 7.25” X 8.5”.

   Eustace Tilley  , 2013. Pencil and water color. 7.25” X 8.5”.

Eustace Tilley, 2013.
Pencil and water color. 7.25” X 8.5”.

 Study for projected mythological fantasy, 2019. Charcoal/pencil. 26.5” X 40”.

Study for projected mythological fantasy, 2019.
Charcoal/pencil. 26.5” X 40”.

   The Minotaur Contemplates His Wife, as She Sleeps,   2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8”.

The Minotaur Contemplates His Wife, as She Sleeps, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8”.

   Grinning Simian,   2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.

Grinning Simian, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.

 Monkey riding a goat, 2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5.

Monkey riding a goat, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5.

   Satyr and goat study,   1992. Gouache. 7” X 7”.

Satyr and goat study, 1992.
Gouache. 7” X 7”.

   Black Orpheus No. 6: Orpheus Sings to Cerberus (Composition Study),   20224.  Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Black Orpheus No. 6: Orpheus Sings to Cerberus (Composition Study), 20224.
Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

   Ambiance, Composition Study,   2023. Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Ambiance, Composition Study, 2023.
Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

   Papaya Shake-up,   2024. Pencil on Gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Papaya Shake-up, 2024.
Pencil on Gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

   John Lewis: The Last Crossing,   2024. Oil bars and oil pastels. Preparation sketch for projected oil painting. 14” X 24”.
   Imaginary Mural: Leda and the Swan,   2022. Gold leaf and oil pastels. 30” X 22.5”.
   Mythological study,   1992/2022. Watercolor. 11” X 14”.
   Composition study,   2022. Pastel. 11” X 14”.
 Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 24” X 18”.
 Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 12” X 9”.
   Santiago Market,   2020 Oil bars/oil pastels 19” X 26.5”
  Study for the right hand panel of  Goat Song (Canto de chivo) #7: November 25th: International Day to End Violence Against Women (Triptych), 2021.   Charcoal pencils on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.
   Shaman,   2021. Mixed media. 20” X 15”.
   George Floyd I: A Man,     2020   Oil bars/oil pastels 23” X 17”
   Too Much Ain’t Enough,     2020 (For George Floyd) Oil bars/oil pastels 18.5” X 26.5”
   Camp Wel-met Goats in the Snow,   2018. Acrylics on paper. 26.5” X 40”.
   Study for ‘30th of May, 1961, 10:10 PM’,      2019 Oil pastel. 18.5” X 26.5”
 Human and Goat Skulls, 2018 Pastel. 11" X 14".
  Skull Study,  2018 Pastel, 11" X 14"
   Familia carmavalesca (Carnival Family),     2017 Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16
   Los amigos de María (Mary's Friends),     2017 Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16
   Two Vegigantes (Dos Vegigantes),   2013. Pencil and litho pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”. (Private collection.)
   Blue Woman,   2013; Pastel. 22" X 18".
 Women in green costumes, 2013. Color pencils. 9.25” X 8.5.
 Carnival study, 2014. Mixed water media on paper. 10.25” X 7”.
 Carnival study, 2010. Mixed water media. 8” X 6 3/8”. (Private collection.)
   Santiago Carnival,   1996. Gouache. x” X x”.
   Momento Mori,   2010.  Oil pastel. c. 9” X 12”.
   Connecticut interior,   1996. Watercolor. Approx.: 30” high. (Private collection.)
   The Yard at Clinton Corners,   2014. Oil pastels and oil bars on Arches paper.  23” X 30”. (Private collection.)
   Eustace Tilley,   2013. Pencil. 7.25” X 8.5”.
   Eustace Tilley  , 2013. Pencil and water color. 7.25” X 8.5”.
 Study for projected mythological fantasy, 2019. Charcoal/pencil. 26.5” X 40”.
   The Minotaur Contemplates His Wife, as She Sleeps,   2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8”.
   Grinning Simian,   2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.
 Monkey riding a goat, 2013. Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5.
   Satyr and goat study,   1992. Gouache. 7” X 7”.
   Black Orpheus No. 6: Orpheus Sings to Cerberus (Composition Study),   20224.  Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.
   Ambiance, Composition Study,   2023. Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.
   Papaya Shake-up,   2024. Pencil on Gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

John Lewis: The Last Crossing, 2024. Oil bars and oil pastels.
Preparation sketch for projected oil painting. 14” X 24”.

Imaginary Mural: Leda and the Swan, 2022.
Gold leaf and oil pastels. 30” X 22.5”.

Mythological study, 1992/2022.
Watercolor. 11” X 14”.

Composition study, 2022.
Pastel. 11” X 14”.

Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 24” X 18”.

Study for “Sonia Olivares, Roba la Gallina (The Chicken Thief),” 2022. Pastel. 12” X 9”.

Santiago Market, 2020
Oil bars/oil pastels
19” X 26.5”

Study for the right hand panel of Goat Song (Canto de chivo) #7: November 25th: International Day to End Violence Against Women (Triptych), 2021.
Charcoal pencils on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Shaman, 2021.
Mixed media. 20” X 15”.

George Floyd I: A Man, 2020
Oil bars/oil pastels
23” X 17”

Too Much Ain’t Enough, 2020
(For George Floyd)
Oil bars/oil pastels
18.5” X 26.5”

Camp Wel-met Goats in the Snow, 2018.
Acrylics on paper. 26.5” X 40”.

Study for ‘30th of May, 1961, 10:10 PM’, 2019
Oil pastel. 18.5” X 26.5”

Human and Goat Skulls, 2018
Pastel. 11" X 14".

Skull Study, 2018
Pastel, 11" X 14"

Familia carmavalesca (Carnival Family), 2017
Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

Los amigos de María (Mary's Friends), 2017
Carcoal. 17" X 11 5/16

Two Vegigantes (Dos Vegigantes), 2013.
Pencil and litho pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.
(Private collection.)

Blue Woman, 2013;
Pastel. 22" X 18".

Women in green costumes, 2013.
Color pencils. 9.25” X 8.5.

Carnival study, 2014.
Mixed water media on paper. 10.25” X 7”.

Carnival study, 2010.
Mixed water media. 8” X 6 3/8”.
(Private collection.)

Santiago Carnival, 1996.
Gouache. x” X x”.

Momento Mori, 2010.
Oil pastel. c. 9” X 12”.

Connecticut interior, 1996.
Watercolor. Approx.: 30” high.
(Private collection.)

The Yard at Clinton Corners, 2014.
Oil pastels and oil bars on Arches paper.
23” X 30”. (Private collection.)

Eustace Tilley, 2013.
Pencil. 7.25” X 8.5”.

Eustace Tilley, 2013.
Pencil and water color. 7.25” X 8.5”.

Study for projected mythological fantasy, 2019.
Charcoal/pencil. 26.5” X 40”.

The Minotaur Contemplates His Wife, as She Sleeps, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8”.

Grinning Simian, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5”.

Monkey riding a goat, 2013.
Pencil. 9.25” X 8.5.

Satyr and goat study, 1992.
Gouache. 7” X 7”.

Black Orpheus No. 6: Orpheus Sings to Cerberus (Composition Study), 20224.
Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Ambiance, Composition Study, 2023.
Pencil on gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

Papaya Shake-up, 2024.
Pencil on Gridded paper. 18” X 24”.

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